Component Structure

What is the component

Components in EasyPanel are the classes that have been located in the app/CRUD directory, and You can manage your CRUDs by editing these components!

To have CRUD action for our models, each of them must have a single component in app/CRUD.

How to create a component

To create a CRUD for your models, you can easily go to the /admin route (this address can be modified in the config file), then open the CRUD Manager page. Now you can manage or create new CRUDs.

There is a button called Create CRUD, after opening this page a form will be shown, and You can pass your model namespace, CRUD's route, and CRUD's icon. After creating the CRUD with the create button, a new file will be created in the app/CRUD directory which has this format:

ModelComponent.php // Model is your model name

Component Methods

Each component has a few methods and properties to be managed by them.


As you may know, CRUD stands for 4 words:

  • Create
  • Read
  • Update
  • Delete

3 of these actions are manageable in CRUD components, and you can manage them easily in properties:

public $create = true;
public $delete = true;
public $update = true;

If you want to turn one of them off, you can set it as false, that's it!

Model for Component

As was said before, each CRUD component must have a model. This model will be parsed automatically after creating a CRUD component on the CRUD Manager page. If You want to change this model for any reason (is not recommended!), you can pass a new model in the getModel() component method:

public function getModel()
    return Article::class;

This Method must return a model namespace!


We have documented a lot about Fields in Field Page.


As you may be noticed, there is a feature in EasyPanel to search on our model data and its relations.

To define the searchable fields, you can return an array with some properties which are available on model properties:

public function searchange(){
    return ['title', 'content'];

To search in relational values, first you must define the relationship in your model, then:

public function searchange(){
    return ['title', 'content', '', ''];

These . will be replaced by -> in behind scene, take care about the values and properties and their existence.

Laze Mode for Searching

If you want to use lazy mode for your searching strategy, to decrease pressure on your server you can change the lazy_mode key on your config file in the config/easy_panel.php directory:

return [
    'lazy_mode' => true,

In behind scene, It will use wire:model.lazy instead of wire:model.

Disable Searching

To turn the searching feature off, You can return an empty array in the searchable() method:

public function searchange(){
    return [];


We have documented a lot about Inputs in Inputs Page.


Validation rules in EasyPanel components uses the default validation in Laravel. To use validation you need to return an array with keys and values in the validationRules() method in the CRUD component:

public function validationRules()
    return [
        'title' => 'required|min:2|max:255',
        'content' => 'required|min:30'

The key should be matched with the key of inputs!

Store Files

If you use inputs with file type, You may be wondering how can you change the path of the store method?

It's really easy in EasyPanel:

public function storePaths()
    return [
        'profile' => 'photos/profile-photo'

In behind scene it will do something like this:


The store() method belong to Livewire, Read more about store().

The key must be equal to the input key.

Build CRUD

When you make the CRUD Component customize based on your needs. You need to build or rebuild the CRUD on the CRUD Manager Page.

It will create 2 new directories for your project in app/Http/Livewire/Admin and resources/views/livewire/admin/ with the name of your model!

These 2 folders contain CRUD components, and you can customize them based on your needs.

For example, if our model is Article we will have these components:

│─── Create.php
│─── Read.php 
│─── Single.php 
│─── Update.php 

│─── create.blade.php
│─── read.blade.php 
│─── single.blade.php 
│─── update.blade.php 

Be careful, when you rebuild a CRUD all components will be rebuilt again, and every custom change will be removed!

Any changes in validationRules(), storePaths(), inputs(), fields() and getModel() need rebuilt!