
How to Manage Configuration

When you run panel:install command, it will publish the config file in config/easy_panel.php path, and You can manage it easily.

Disable/Enable Module

It's possible to disable or enable the whole module easily by just changing the enable key in the config file.

return [
    'enable' => true,

When you set enable as false the routes won't be registered anymore, and you can't access the routes to manage your Admin Panel!

RTL Mode

If you want to change your style from LTR to RTL You can change the value of rtl_mode in configs:

return [
    'rtl_mode' => true,

Changing Language

EasyPanel is fully translatable, to manage the values and texts, You can copy the resources/lang/en_panel.json file and customize the texts.

For example, if You want to add a france language to EasyPanel, You have to create a copy from resources/lang/en_panel.json into resources/lang/fr_panel.json, now You can set the value of lang to fr.

Don't need to pass the full name of the file, just pass the prefix before _panel.json

The pattern is: *_panel.json:

  • fa_panel.json => fa
  • en_panel.json => en
  • chinese_panel.json => chinese
return [
    'lang' => 'chinese',

User Model

EasyPanel to manage admins uses the default User Model, if You want to change it, You can pass the new model into user_model config key.

return [
    'user_model' => \App\Models\Admin::class,

Authentication Guard

By default, EasyPanel uses the web guard to identify the logged-in user.

If you have customized this, or You need to change the guard for authentication, You have to change auth_guard in config:

return [
    'auth_guard' => 'admin',

Unauthorized Redirect Path

If an unauthorized user tries to access the EasyPanel routes, it will be redirected to a path, and this path can be changed in the config file with redirect_unauthorized key.

return [
    'redirect_unauthorized' => '/',

Routes Prefix

In default, EasyPanel uses /admin prefix, and You can access the routes by: localhost:8000/admin.

As you may guess, It's fully customizable in the config file:

return [
    'route_prefix' => 'panel', // localhost:8000/panel

Additional Middlewares

If you need to add more middlewares to EasyPanel routes, you can pass them in config as an array:

return [
    'additional_middlewares' => ['AdminHasApproved', 'UserIsNotBlocked']

Pagination Count

The Read page has pagination, and You can customize the count of pagination in the config.

The default is 20, and You can change it:

return [
    'pagination_count' => 30,

Lazy Updating

The lazy mode uses wire:model.lazy in searching strategy, and inputs instead of wire:model.

Read more about lazy updating.

return [
    'lazy_mode' => true,

It will accept a boolean value.

Change Auth Strategy

Admin Identifier class uses a Facade, and You can change the base class very easily.

For example, if You want to change the strategy of identifying administrators, You can create a class with a public check($id) method:

namespace App\Services\Auth;

class AdminIdentifier {

    public function check($id){
        return \App\Models\Admin::where('user_id', $id)->exists();

Now You can pass the new namespace into the config with auth_class key:

return [
    'auth_class' => App\Services\Auth\AdminIdentifier::class,

Admin Provider Class

Admin Provider class also uses a Facade, and You can swap the class.

If you need to customize the way of creating an administrator, delete an administrator or administrator list, You have to create a custom class and change the value of admin_provider_class to the new class.

This class must have 4 methods called:

  • makeAdmin($id, $isSuper = true): array
  • getAdmins(): array|collection
  • findUser(): Model
  • deleteAdmin(): void
namespace App\Services;

class AdminProvider {

    public function makeAdmin($id, $isSuper = true){
            \App\Models\Admin::create(['user_id' => $id, 'super_user' => $isSuper]);
            return [
                'type' => 'success',
                'message' => 'Admin created!'
        } catch(\Exception $exception){
            return [
                'type' => 'error',
                'message' => $exception->getMessage()
    public function getAdmins(){
        return \App\Models\User::whereHas('admin')->get();
    public function findUser($id){
        return \App\Models\User::findOrFail($id);
    public function deleteAdmin($id){
        \App\Models\Admin::where('user_id', $id)->delete();

Now You can pass the new namespace into the config with admin_provider_class key:

return [
    'admin_provider_class' => App\Services\AdminProvider::class,