Manage Administrators

Authentication Strategy

There is no login or registration page to log in to your account, so to access the /admin route, first, you have to login into your account in the way which you want. Then define a user as an administrator to access the EasyPanel route.

Create an Administrator

To define a user as an administrator you have to execute this command:

php artisan panel:add [user_id]

To create a super admin you can pass --super option to the command.

For example:

php artisan panel:add 10 --super

Remove an Administrator

You can remove an administrator user with this command:

php artisan panel:remove [user_id]

Hint: [user_id] : It's the The ID of a user that you want to make as an admin.

Admin List

You can see the list of administrators in the command line easily:

php artisan panel:admins

It will show the list of administrators in the command line.

These commands use UserProvider class in EasyPanel, and You can use your class instead of that and pass it in the config file.

If you want to change this class, read Admin Provider Class section.